Cursed Commercials Wiki

Bimbo is a Mexican bread company founded in 1942. This a commercial for their bread.


The commercial begins with a fish peering out of the water to see a Bimbo truck pass by. The fish was excited and tells his friends in the water about this. Then, a hook comes and the fish gets on the hook and gets out of the water for humans to eat. It shows some shots of the fish dead and some Bimbo bread as a family eats them both.

Why It's Cursed[]

The fish being pulled by the hook looks as if the fish is about to die and it's also happy while the hook pulls it out of the water. It's kinda like a Mexican version of Vietnam's Yakult Family commercial, Brazil's Abuse Do Seu Nissin commercial and the UK's Smith's Crisps Singing Spuds commercials because an anthro food product is happy about getting eaten/turned into food.
