Cursed Commercials Wiki
Cursed Commercials Wiki

Wait don’t skip! (The viewer skips the ad anyway)

From the start of June to the near end of July, several animated ads were released advertising the infamous "Chips Ahoy" brand of cookies (Even though the cookies still taste good). This is just one of many ads made for said product.


A chips ahoy cookie walks to another chips ahoy cookie by a chips ahoy package while saying, “Man, it’s not easy being so deli-“ before noticing the other cookie. A white text above says “Who is the imposter?”. The other cookie then says, “Wait don’t skip! Then you’re going to miss out on these snacks!” Then the other cookie says, “Best feature.” followed by the other cookie saying “Chocolate chips", along with him asking "Bake time?” before the imposter cookie says “Wait, what?” Before disappearing leaving behind his sneakers. The ad ends with a woman saying, “Chips ahoy is here. Here for happy.”

Why it’s cursed[]

This ad references Among Us (Which could have been a response to the drip ad). But what makes this ad more cringey is the fact that one of the cookies (As mentioned above) says “Wait don’t skip!”. Which meant the people who made this ad were aware that people would skip this ad.

However, this ad is so bad it’s good because of the unintentionally funny part where the cookie says “Wait don’t skip!”. This ad also spawned several YTPs and memes.


  • As this ad suggests, it is a reference to the popular indie sci-fi horror game Among Us.
  • This ad might be the most popular cringe Chips Ahoy ad by far.