Cursed Commercials Wiki

Delivery Dance

Before the dance scene starts, insert Dastardly Vex's jumpscare from Sackboy A Big Adventure here.

Delivery Dance is an ad for online food delivery service Grubhub. It aired from November 2020 through June 2021 and was met with mostly negative reception.


The ad begins in a kitchen where a father and his son are, and the father orders a chicken sandwich on his phone. The narrator states "Grubhub perks give you deals on the food you love, the kind of deals that make you boogie", when the entire background turns red, and "Soy Yo" by Bomba Estereo starts to play. The father bites into the sandwich, and starts dancing. The commercial cuts to other animated characters dancing around with food and drinks, when suddenly the ad cuts back to the father dancing in the kitchen. He points to the boy who looks at the camera with an annoyed look. The end card has the boy dancing with a chicken sandwich.

Why It's Cursed[]

The commercial is mainly and greatly hated due to the cringy, and probably badly designed, characters dancing annoyingly to an already annoying song. It currently has almost 500K dislikes on the YouTube upload, and the Subreddit r/CommercialsIHate was flooded with posts containing this ad until it was banned from being posted on said site. The annoyance can even be compared to Kroger's infamous Get Low ad, airing around the same time in late 2020 and features a similar premise.

Because of the massive hate, it has become a meme, spawning parodies and edits for Some Strange Thing, Which is Why you might wanna stop posting about GrubHub.


  • The ad was animated by 1stAveMachine.
  • After the ad's criticism, Grubhub hosted a contest titled Deliver the Remix, where one could make a song for the ad, or request one, to replace Soy Yo. This was the winner.

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