Skips are snacks from the UK and Ireland, and this ad from 2002 is promoting their regular prawn & cocktail flavour.
The Plot[]
The tongue is siting down in the living room with some lips, named Lippy. Tongue says that Lippy heard that there's enough fizz in a skip for him to glow in the dark. Then the hand put's a Skip on the Tongue, Lippy closes the curtains, and ta-da!! The Tongue glows in the dark.
The Story[]
Tongue: Oi, this is your tongue talking, my mate Lippy, says there's enough fizz in a single Skip, to make me glow in the dark. So come on stick one on me!!!
[A hand puts the Skip on the tongue]
Tongue: Ok Lippy, close the curtain!!!
[Lippy follows the tongue's instructions]
Tongue: WWWWHHHHHHAAAA, HEEEEE HEEEYYYAAAA!!!!!!!!! Fizz-tastic!!!!!
Announcer: Stick a Skip on your tongue, and ask for it!
Why it's Cursed[]
Just like in the Tickle Pickle and Buzz Boltz ads. The Skip is put on an inappropriate place.