Cursed Commercials Wiki

Skip's Tickle Pickles is a snack from the UK and Ireland, and this ad from 2002 is promoting their Pickled Onion flavour.


Skips Tickle Pickle - Lug Ole (2002, UK)

The Plot[]

A tongue is on a swing set at a park, along with him is an ear going down the slide. The tongue has heard that Skip's Tickle Pickle can tickle any tongue, and he thinks that he's the only tongue in the world who can actually handle the tickle, and not laugh at it. However he loses to the Tickle Pickle and says that they got him.

Why It's Cursed[]

The placement of the Tickle Pickle is very inappropriate.

The Story[]

Tongue: Oi, this is your tongue talkin', my mate Lug Ole has heard that Skip's Tickle Pickle is supposed to give a tongue the right ol' tickle. We'll, I'll be the judge of that, so go ahead stick one on me.

[A hand puts the Tickle Pickle on the Tongue's "Little Wiggler" and it starts fizzing all around, causing the tongue to laugh uncontrollably]

Tongue: HHHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! No!!!!!!! Stop it!!!!!!!!! HHHHHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, you got me!!!!!! HHHHAAAA!!!!!!!! HHHHHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! HHHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Announcer: Stick a Skip's Tickle Pickle on your tongue, and ask for it!


  1. The tongue looks like Patrick Star.
  2. The Skip's brand decided to discontinue Tickle Pickles. But one day, they could come back.