Cursed Commercials Wiki
Cursed Commercials Wiki

Smokey Bear ''Mask'' (1973, USA)

If only you were MUCH more careful about forest fires!

Smokey Bear is an advertising character created by the Ad Council and the US Forest Service to raise awareness against human-caused wildfires. Starting in 1944, Smokey's campaign has been the longest-running public service campaign in American history. Over the years, the campaign has had some questionable (maybe a little unsettling) ads, especially this infamous one from 1973.


Actress Joanna Cassidy (who would later appear in such films as Blade Runner and Who Framed Roger Rabbit) looks at the camera seductively as the camera pans slowly closer to her face, she talks about the forest and we should all be careful with fire in the forest. Suddenly, her face turns into a mask and it is revealed that Smokey was Cassidy, all along and asks us if we knew it was him would we have listened.

Why It's Cursed[]

A woman talking about forest fires is one thing, but removing her face to reveal a talking anthropomorphic bear? The ad was later edited in the 1980s to remove the scary close up of the Joanna Cassidy mask and replace Smokey with a cuter, cuddlier updated version.


The 1980s revised verison
