SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series that is Nickelodeon's longest-running series, and, one would say, cash cow. Since its premiere in 1999, it has had many, many merchandising deals, and this one from 2003 was just one of them.
SpongeBob music plays while two plates and cups with SpongeBob's face on them are shown. The camera pans up to reveal two boys, one in a blue and gray shirt, and one in a red shirt, running to get their plates and drinks and then sitting down at the table. The boy in blue takes a sip out of his SpongeBob cup, and his brother says, "Whoa!". Confused, the boy in blue asks, "What?", when it is revealed his head became square after drinking out of the SpongeBob cup. His brother, whose head has also become square, says, "Dude, your head!" Their dog, Gary, confused at what just happened, makes a confused whine. The boys, feeling their square heads, say, "This is awesome!". Gary then licks the side of the SpongeBob cup, and his head becomes square as well. The brothers, noticing this, say, "Gary?" Gary just pants, probably not realizing that his head is square, because he is a dog. The boy in blue, apparently being from Boston, pokes his brother's head and says, "Wicked!" The SpongeBob tableware comes back on screen, before cutting to Gary now meowing like the sea snail he is named after. The voiceover between this says, "Get ready-eady-eady! To make a party out of every meal! You'll want to use the most nautically nonsensical plates, cups and napkins all the time! Look for SpongeBob SquarePants stuff where you shop for party supplies."
Why It's Cursed[]
The boys' and their dog's heads becoming square is rather unsettling, and is pretty bad CGI by today's standards. Also, this ad probably made many 2000's kids believe that they would become Minecraft Steve if they drank out of a SpongeBob Cup. But what is most cursed about this ad is that these kids think this is not only normal, but "awesome" and "wicked", not realizing this would be a horrible, disfiguring mutation in real life. On a side note, it is not made clear if the boys and their dogs will have square heads for the rest of their lives after drinking from these SpongeBob cups. Additionally, Gary (the Dog) meowing is bizarre.