Cursed Commercials Wiki

A Chinese commercial for the British sore-throat medicine, Strepsils.

概要 (Synopsis)[]

The commercial begins with a CGI tonsil with a 2D-animated face who is not happy because of a sore throat. A tongue pushes the tonsil upwards and it cuts a Chinese male having a sore throat. He then gets out some Honey And Lemon-flavoured Strepsils and the tonsil sees the Strepsils tin as the man (who we presume to be where the tonsil is in) put one in his throat. the tonsil then proceeds to move on the Strepsil and after, the tonsil, and the throat, are good as new. Then we cut to the Chinese man as he smiles and walks off. The commercial ends with the Strepsils advertisement in Chinese.

为什么你对你的扁桃体感觉不好 (Why You Feel Bad About Your Tonsil)[]

The tonsil in the commercial looks terrible, just like the taste bud in the Filipino Voice Pops commercial.
