Taiyou Con is an annual anime convention held in Mesa, Arizona. This commercial is for the 2011 event.
The song featured is a parody of Flea Market Montgomery.
The whole 2-minute commercial is a song. Lyrics below:
Anime, cosplay, gaming, oh yeah!
You can find it, at the Taiyo, we talkin' bout Taiyou Con, in Mesa, it's just like, it's just like, a mini Japan
Oh yeah, come geek, with us I said Taiyou Con, in Mesa, it's just like, it's just like, a mini Japan
Hai hai, you heard me, come geek
Masquerades, cute maids, hot guests, we got it!
You want it, you'll find it, it's just like, it's just like, a mini Japan
Hai hai, you heard me, come geek I said Taiyou Con, in Mesa, it's just like, it's just like, a mini Japan!
Hai hai, Jay Fashion, live bands, dating games
Oh yeah, you can find it, at the Taiyo, we talkin' bout Taiyou Con, in Mesa, it's just like, it's just like, a mini Japan
Hai hai, don't stop, let's make this a dance!
Come on now, do the Hari (Hari Hari), Youkai (Youkai), let's do this dance, do the Hari (Hari Hari), Youkai (Youkai), let's make this, a dance
Taiyou Con, in Mesa, it keeps you from failing, it's just like, it's just like, a mini Japan
Check it out now, otaku, like this now, hai hai!
Taiyou Con, in Mesa, it's just like, it's just like, a mini Japan
Pokerave, let's dance!
Taiyou Con, in Mesa, it's just like, it's just like, a mini Japan!
(Let's bring it on down now, oh yeah, you otakus gonna like this, come on now!)
It's just like (You know what I'm saying)
It's just like (Come on, you otakus!)
It's just like (You know what I'm talking, so why don't you just sing it?)
It's just like, it's just like, a mini Japan!
(Oh yeah, you said it! It's just like, it's just like, a mini Japan! Oh yeah, you like this, come on now! Weeaboo!)
Why It's Cursed[]
The guy, Dustin Skarupa's, singing, is pretty cringy. He tries his hardest to parody Flea Market Montgomery, but it's arguably worse than that ad. The green screen job is pretty awful too, as the floor beneath him is still seen.
The song is also a massive earworm.