Cursed Commercials Wiki
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(EXTREMELY DISTURBING) Women Against Child Abuse - Baby Monitor (2003, South Africa)

That poor daughter...

A horrific PSA made by the South African Anti-Child abuse group Women and men against child abuse that aired in 2003. To say that this PSA is creepy would be an understatement to the ninth degree.


We see a shot of a kitchen wall and we hear a girl singing and playing with dolls through a baby monitor. We then hear a door open and the girl exclaims "Hello daddy!" A man then whispers something to the girl, we then see the mother put down an iron that she was using to iron her clothes with a distressed look on her face, then we hear the girl say "Please daddy NO!" Then the father whispers "Quiet!" to her, then the father starts raping her. The camera zooms in on the mother's face and she is now crying softly as this is happening. Then the camera cuts to a shot of the kitchen through a window as a South African woman off screen says "If you don't stop him from raping her, who will?" it then fades to black, Then the Women and men against child abuse logo is show in a purple background and the South African woman says "Find your Strength!"

Why It's Cursed[]

You know what? Screw this ad being just cursed. This goes 10 quadrilion levels beyond cursed. The fact that the father rapes the child is downright horrifying.
