Life is Short (a.k.a Champagne) is a 2002 British television commercial for the original Xbox.
A pregnant woman is about due as some doctors help her out. After some struggling, she finally shoots out the baby, who is sent flying out the window away from the hospital. As he flies through the clouds, the baby goes through all the stages of life that follow: he becomes a grown child, a teenager, a grown man, and an elder before crash landing into a grave.
After, the text "Life is short. Play more." appears.
Why It's Cursed[]
The advert already has an odd message, but what really makes it cursed is the imagery of the guy evolving through life which looks distressingly realistic. It was banned from British television after several complaints over the content. I mean, who wants to see a woman shooting a baby which dies soon out of her? 10+ Points for the fact that this commercial has nothing to do with the console itself.